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What is the Menubar

The menubar is a menu in a column on the left of the page. The menubar gets its content from a data file in your site’s _data directory. Set the name of your data file in the page’s menubar setting in the front matter.

If you have a file _data/example_menu.yml then set the menubar to example_menu.

show_sidebar: false
menubar: example_menu

You will probably want to disable show_sidebar. Otherwise there will be little room for the page content.

Creating a menubar data file

Create a data file in the _data directory and use the following format.

- label: Example Menu
    - name: Home
      link: /
    - name: Pages
      link: #
        - name: Page With Sidebar 
          link: /page-1/
        - name: Page Without Sidebar
          link: /page-2/
        - name: Page With Menubar
          link: /page-3/
    - name: Blog
      link: /blog/

For the current page to have an active class, ensure the link: format matches your permalink format. The above example will work with permalink: pretty setting in your _config.yml.

Multiple menus

You may make multiple menus in the same file, separated by labels.

- label: Menu Label
    - name: Example item
      link: /example-item/
- label: Second Menu Label
    - name: Parent Item
      link: /parent-item/
        - name: Sublink 
          link: /sublink/
        - name: Sublink 2
          link: /sublink2/
- label: Third Menu Label
    - name: Another example item
      link: /another-example-item/